Thankyou to everyone - 2019
Another great Medieval Fayre on Sunday 29th of September- run by The
York Freindship Club
Another great day at the York ‘Act, Belong, Commit’ Medieval Fayre.
Perfect weather, terrific crowds and great atmosphere!
Plenty of diverse craft stalls and ethnic food vans to tempt appetites.
Constant music and dance from minstrels, Morris dancers and the
beautiful belly dancers.
On the arena 4 re-enactor groups battled for supremacy. Other groups
set up village displays of old-world crafts, eg, chainmail, etching,
There was an archery tent for the kids and a special knight to teach
chivalry and swordsmanship on the main arena in between adult combat.
Snakes and raptors were on display in Avon Park with horse archery
an animal farm at the Carriage Diner adjacent on the river. The light
horsemen were also proud to show their steeds.
Sambanistas Percussion Band summoned all in their medieval costumes
go in the 2 pm parade through Avon Terrace, led by the Police and
protected at the rear by 2 fire trucks. The York Fire Brigade and the
York Volunteer Brigade also manned the gates. The well-behaved
Kalamunda Camels transported the belly dancers in their finery, to
everyone’s delight!
An estimated nearly 2500 adults, with uncounted free children by the
hundreds, gave the York Friendship Club a great outcome to benefit the
homeless and help the local firies in their endeavours to keep York the
great little town it is!
Special Thanks to;
A special appreciation to the York Shire Administration and Depot for
helping the York Friendship Club host another great Medieval Fayre.
Well done everyone!
Yvonne Dols
York Friendship Club