Participants Info
Food Vendors | Stall Holders |
Entertainers | Volunteers |
The Shire of York has given permission to use the Avon Park as a dedicated area for a medieval village.
There is plenty of room for archers, catapults and other dispays.
The markets will also operate from Avon Park, with stalls, entertainment, food and music.
Any goups who would like to camp , are welcome to do so, with prior consent.
MAP Here
Info Poster for 2022
Medieval Fayre Banquet
Food Vendors
Please fill out an Expressions of Interest Form and return it to Yvonne
Dols to receive the 2018 food & beverage vendors application form.
Yvonne Dols
Phone: 08 9641 1541 (evenings only)
Download Form
PLEASE NOTE: The Expression of Interest Form must be received and
approved by Yvonne before the Application form will be accepted
Stall Holders
Stall set up time - 8am
2019 Prices;
$40 for 3m x 3m tents
$80 for 6m x 3m tents
$40 for all other 3m x 3m free standing displays, trestles, stalls etc
Booking Form
Word Doc Booking Form
Please email above forms to;
Att: Yvonne
or post to
7 Grey Street
York, WA 6302
We welcome all Re-enactors, Musicians and Performers to our Medieval Fayre.
Many performers and re-enactors participate to showcase their hobby,
practise in front of a receptive audience and meet like minded people.
In some cases the Festival is able to assist with expenses. These
payments are reviewed on an individual basis and must be agreed upon
prior to the event.
Volunteering suits anyone wanting to gain new experiences, share their
current skills, enhance our visitors’ experience, meet new people and
get involved in the aims of the York Medieval Fayre and the York
Friendship Club Inc.
Please contact Yvonne if you are interested in volunteering!